

Journey through the Storm

Salim J. Munayer: Journey through the Storm unpacks Musalaha’s thirty years of practical experience building bridges, healing division, and following Christ in the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Composed of essays, curriculum excerpts, interviews, and real-life testimonies, this collection offers insight into the theory, theology, and application of Musalaha’s six stages of reconciliation. It is a powerful, hopeful, and deeply realistic look at the demands and rewards of transforming the “other” into a neighbor and an enemy into a friend.

Missio Politica

Johannes Reimer: Evangelical Christians in many countries shy away from politics. And yet, especially with the rise of the Pentecostal and charismatic movements, the interest and involvement in political activity is becoming a daily reality in evangelical circles. At the same time, evangelical politicians are not exempt from scandals of corruption and complaints of ineffectiveness. Are Christians unable to do better politics than others? Are they less prepared? Is even the whole political involvement of Christians under question? In this book, Dr Johannes Reimer explores the answers to these questions by articulating a theology of the church’s political mission. The church is not a political party, but as God’s ecclesia, it has a prophetic voice and is called out of the world to take responsibility for the world.

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Family in Mission

Johannes Reimer: Innumerable books have been written about successful outreach and evangelism, yet almost none address the centrality of the family as God’s intended vehicle for experiencing life, community, and growth. In this timely and powerful book, Johannes Reimer urges us to rediscover the family as a primary agent for mission in the world. Offering both a theological and practical foundation for understanding the role and significance of families in the vocation of the church, this book also provides creative ideas for implementing a family-centered praxis that offers preparation and support to families living out their calling to make Christ known.

To ignore the family, Reimer warns, is to ignore the church’s greatest resource for transmitting truth, communicating love, and embodying the gospel. If we are to be effective in making disciples of all nations, we must start in our own homes.

Churches for Future

Johannes Reimer:  Churches for Future: Warum sich Christen für den Erhalt der Schöpfung einsetzen sollten (German) Taschenbuch – 15. Februar 2021


Johannes Reimer: VERGEBUNG LEBEN: Wege zu einer Kultur der Versöhnung in der Gemeinde (Praxis 3) (German) Taschenbuch – 7. September 2020


Johannes Reimer: WO VERSÖHNUNG ZU HAUSE IST: Gemeinde als Versöhnungszentrum (Praxis 1) (German) Taschenbuch – 7. September 2020

Das Buch vom Frieden

Tom Sommer: Was heißt Frieden und wie ist er zu erreichen? Verschiedene Beiträge zeigen, was die Bibel zu diesem Thema sagt, berichten von tiefgreifenden persönlichen Erfahrungen und lassen Fachleute wie Friedensforscher zu Wort kommen. Frieden ist möglich - privat wie global!

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Integral Mission

Vladimir Ubeivolc: The first book in our Integral Mission Library (IML) is written by Dr. Vladimir Ubeivolc and published simultaneously in Russian und Romanian. The Ukrainian and English version is in preparation.

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Counselling victims of violence

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Counselling victims of violence

Johannes Reimer/Oksana Gritciuta: (Ukrainian) Order these books from